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Episode N°18Crossed Destinies

Episode 18 Banner
Your heart is hesitating between love and friendship...
But sometimes meeting someone new is enough to help you sort out your emotions, or to become completely overwhelmed by them.

The news falls: Naytili escaped and an innocent woman lost her life. Leiftan escaped miraculously, but dark in unconsciousness. The Eel Guard organizes a vigil in memory of the victim, Anya: speeches to ease tensions, hugs ... Many people have collapsed.

The tensions soothed, Chrome asks us to help him repair the damage caused by Naytili: a few trowel strokes on the walls and rocks to move. To thank us, Chrome offers us a ring found under the rocks. We'll learn later that he wanted to give it to Karenn before ...

The Guardian goes to her room to rest. Head in the air, she jostles a chimera named Yeu, and it's our roommate! The current goes well, the two young women quickly become friends. Yéu will talk about her people, her traditions and her complicated relationship with her boyfriend Tinh. She doubts her fidelity and asks us to help her find him. After asking the inhabitants of the Eel Guard, no one has heard of Tinh. Yeh despairs. It is decided to ask a chief of guard, but he evades the question. Ye weep, we get excited: the Guard still shows its incompetence. Seeing that this situation is too close to our hearts, Yeu decides to distance herself from us.

Nobody is fooled: something is wrong. The guardian gets angry for no apparent reason and speaks with some Yeu. The chief of guard in question discusses the situation with Miiko. The theory of possession seems likely. Indeed, the women in the headquarters felt a strange presence alongside the guardian. After some research, it turns out that Tinh died more than 50 years ago and that the soul of Yêu failed to join him. She aimlessly in the headquarters. However, they do not know that you are listening to them. She goes to the beach, followed by the chief not far behind ...

To bring the two souls together, one must make contact with Tinh's spirit. The chief of guard uses an Acadian spell, says De La Conservatrice to find Tinh's ring. It is necessary to hurry, because Yeu wants to join his beloved by any means. Towards the beach !

The guardian is alone, feet in the water in front of the immensity of the ocean. The chosen one of our heart arrives and prevents us from committing the irreparable. They kiss passionately. The souls of Yeu and Tinh united, they leave their bodies. Returning to HQ, they keep this secret kiss.

After this event, the feelings are jostling. Our guardian can not even stand up anymore. Is it ... An earthquake ?!

secret object is available at the end of the episode depending on the choices you make.


Picture Name Classification
E45de96ba9c8e6097292f525c6fb78f8 Yeu and Tinh's Wedding Rings Necklace Jewelry

Name Objective Where to find
Ruins Clean up with Chrome Grand gate
Pile of rocks Clean up with Chrome Sandstone Staircase
Glimmer Leads you to Tinh's ring 100 Years Cherry Tree

This episode does not have any hidden items.

  • According to your choices, you can unlock the covenants of Yêu and Tinh .
  • Our character can now reach level 20.
  • In this episode we meet Yeu and Tinh.

Episode Decoration 1

Episode Guide

Episode Decoration 2

The official guide for this episode has not been posted to the forums yet.

We apologize for any inconveniences.

It’s on that note that this journal entry ends.
See you next time in Episode 19!

Love'o'Meter Guide[]


  • A. Green answers have a positive effect on the character. +
  • B. Red answers have a negative effect on the character. -
  • C. Blue answers have no effect on the character. =
  • D. Black answers have not been discovered on the wiki.


  • A. (I can feel myself getting upset. I need to know whether Leiftan is alive or not!!!)
  • B. No, we would know..

  • A. (I smiled back, even though stress was taking over me...)
  • B. (I smiled back, even if my curiosity isn't satisfied at all.)

  • A. Try to talk with Colaia
  • B. Do not try to talk with Colaia

  • A. (I'm so surprised by her reaction, I don't know what to do.)
  • B. (Take her in my arms.) +

  • A. Hey! Don't be mean to her!
  • B. I'm sorry... They're usually adorable!

  • A. I'm sure we'll find him. Don't lose hope.
  • B. (The problem is that I don't know what to say to make her feel better.)

  • A. (Jump into [Kero's] arms.) +
  • B. (Wave to him politely.)


Say that I won!

  • A. Never, I refuse to admit to a defeat! =
  • B. (I set my arms around his neck and I made a pouty face, so that he would stop.) =



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


Unfortunately for us, yes.

  • A. Miiko must be very upset about this failure... +
  • B. Once again, we've shown that we're useless! -
  • C. Good grief, all this for nothing! =

{$Psuedeo}! I'm happy to see you. I was just thinking about the fact that it had been a long time since we last spent some time together.

  • A. Really? What a coincidence! =
  • B. Stop it, you're teasing me. =


  • A. Count on me to take the arms when you need! =
  • B. If that can help me to better defend myself and not be a burden. Sure! =
  • C. I'm not a fan of combat, though. =



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


Today, we get all the reports and assign the missions. It's going to be fun!

  • A. Yeah... Great, I can't wait. =
  • B. Ah! I finally get to see how it works from the inside! =


Are you worried about him?

  • A. Yes... =
  • B. No, I'm just curious.

Well, your day of work hit the ground running!

  • A. Yes, I must admit I wasn't expecting to come hurtling in like this. =
  • B. Well, that's how it is. Exceptional person, exceptional entry! -
  • C. Well I hope my next one won't disappoint you! +



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


Please, don't let me down! -

  • A. Chrome, I barely finished work, I want to rest... -
  • B. Ok, I can't deny you anything. +
  • C. I don't know. What is there for me? =

Will you forgive me?

  • A. I'll see... If you're nice. =
  • B. Of course. =



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.

Huang Hua[]


  • A.
  • B.
  • C.



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.



  • A.
  • B.



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.

Feng Zifu[]


  • A.
  • B.
  • C.



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.



  • A.
  • B.
  • C.


No worries, my head was in the clouds.

  • A. (Wait for her to introduce herself.) =
  • B. (Introduce myself.) (Illustration) =

Yes... Adieu, {$Psudeo}. Thank you for having been my friend these past few days.

  • A. (Yeu, wait! I forgive you!!!) +
  • B. (Sorry, Yeu, but I can never forgive you.) -
